Prepare Your Trees and Shrubs for Winter

To Enhance Tree and Shrub Health:

  • Water trees until the ground is frozen, especially in drought conditions.
  • Prune trees and large shrubs in the winter to minimize plant stress, schedule an appointment with an arborist to address any pruning needs.
  • Finely mulch organic matter (leaves, grass clippings, etc) and incorporate into soil. This will add nutrition to the soil and reduce the number of disease spores that may infect new growth in the spring
  • Fertilize where soil nutrients are limited. An arborist can help determine what type of fertilizers to use.
  • Avoid using de-icing salts near trees
Oak & Elm Trees - We strongly recommend to those with oak and elm trees, that they address any pruning needs during the winter season. Research has shown that pruning these species during the warmer growing season makes them more susceptible to deadly infections by oak wilt and Dutch elm disease.

Winter Pruning

While the infection risk is not as high with diseases and insects on other species of trees, winter pruning is advantageous in that any pests such as branch canker pathogens, or branch boring insects are removed from the site, reducing the potential for re-infestation.
No Tree Topping
Tree topping is an unacceptable pruning practice and should be avoided at all costs.
No Volcano Mulching
The most common problem with mulching is applying too much. "Mulch volcanoes" - large piles of mulch around the base of trees - can cause tree damage.
Be Careful with Automatic Sprinklers
Improper sprinker head placement and overwatering causes the 2x4 effect.
No Weed and Feed on Lawns
Weed and feed products contain many chemicals that are not only harmful to you but also your lawn and your trees.
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